The Mt Millar Wind Farm Community Fund provides ongoing support to local community clubs and organisations.
The Community Fund provides money for projects of social, economic or environmental benefit to the immediate area surrounding the wind farm (Cowell, Cleave and other adjacent communities) . This may include funding for local sporting groups, charities, community groups, education, culture, arts and other not-for-profit organisations or other community needs.
Mt Millar Wind Farm will provide $5,000 per year for each year that the wind farm is in operation to the Community Fund. Any funds not utilised will be carried over to the next year.
This year, the Community Fund has $5,000 available for grants to community organisations.
The applications for the projects should include the below selection criteria:
Applications will be assessed, and successful applicants will be advised in writing.
The funding for successful applications will be paid by directly to the suppliers of goods and services, upon presentation of a tax invoice. Grants must be used within 12 months of their award.